So much has happened in the two years since the special operation began that many folks either missed or forgot about what Zelensky told the World Economic Forum in Davos back in May 2022

Russian foreign spy (SVR) chief Sergey Naryshkin recently revealed that the G7 is planning to appoint a special envoy to Ukraine who’d function as a de facto governor tasked with ensuring that the regime’s elite remain loyal to the West instead of defecting to Russia as their side’s losses pile up. NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg is reportedly tipped for this position after his tenure expires in October, but regardless of whoever it ends up being, their role will likely be carrying out the Davos agenda more than anything ese.

The G7 is an economic bloc, not a military or political one, so its reportedly planned special envoy would naturally focus more on that sort of work even though they could of course always carry out some clandestine activities of the kind that Naryshkin wrote about. Moreover, the American Embassy is known to be the top neocolonial outpost in Kiev, and the Russian foreign spy chief didn’t explain why it would voluntarily cede some of its power in this respect to a vassal organization’s non-American representative.

The abovementioned observations aren’t being shared with the intent of questioning his service’s intelligence, but for the purpose of introducing another interpretation of what these reported plans might be intended to achieve. So much has happened in the two years since the special operation began that many folks either missed or forgot about what Zelensky told the World Economic Forum in Davos back in May 2022.

In his words, “we offer a special – historically significant – model of reconstruction. When each of the partner countries or partner cities or partner companies will have the opportunity – historical one – to take patronage over a particular region of Ukraine, city, community or industry. Britain, Denmark, the European Union and other leading international actors have already chosen a specific direction for patronage in reconstruction.”

It was analyzed here at the time that “the economic pie will be divided by various countries amongst themselves…There’s no way to describe this other than prompting a so-called ‘scramble’ for targeted countries (or proxy ones like in Ukraine’s case) akin to the infamous one in Africa during the late 19th century. This mixture of neo- and traditional imperialism confirms that the US-led West is going back to its historical basics of not even attempting to hide its hegemonic intentions over others anymore.”

Since then, the Line of Contact has largely stabilized, and there’s a high likelihood that either NATO as a whole or Poland on its own with the bloc’s backing would conventionally intervene in the event of a Russian breakthrough in order to draw a red line in the sand as far as east as possible. This means that the conditions are much more comfortable for foreign investors than ever before, which is why the G7 is now reportedly considering appointing a special envoy to Ukraine in order to prioritize Zelensky’s plan.

Furthermore, Poland just subordinated itself to Germany under returning Prime Minister Donald Tusk, so Berlin can now take an even greater piece of the Ukrainian pie than before while giving Warsaw less than its previous conservative-nationalist government which invested so heavily in Western Ukraine expected. The stage is therefore set for “Fortress Europe’s” German leader and the Anglo-American Axis to divvy Ukraine up amongst themselves and apportion the remaining crumbs to their respective vassals.

As a means to that end, it’s sensible for the G7 to appoint a special envoy who’d be tasked with implementing this dimension of the Davos agenda that so many observers forgot about, but which never left the minds of those three’s decisionmakers, who had their eyes on this prize the whole time. The American Embassy already has its hands full multi-managing Ukraine’s military and political affairs, which is why it might approve of that vassal organization helping it manage this country’s economic ones.



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