Чињеница је да је међународно право доживело свој coup de grâce[2] 1999. године нападом САД/НАТО на Југославију[3] и Србе, а да су и последњи његови остаци…
Browsing: Vision for Serbia
We recommend to our readers this remarkable and wide-ranging treatise by Mr. Ken Leslie. It is an in-depth analysis of…
The predicament of the Serbian nation is dire, but there is a solution Without doubt, sooner or later the Serbian…
This is a very special day for me, because the topics I will be covering are all very dear to…
Needless to say, the important and portentous story of the attempted subversion of the Orthodox Church using the intelligence and…
The first and basic reason for the success of every big venture is in the readiness to accept the risk…