The larger geopolitical agenda at play is to replace the Georgian government with Western puppets in order to facilitate NATO’s military logistics to neighboring landlocked Armenia, which the bloc envisages turning into their new regional bastion for dividing-and-ruling the South Caucasus

The Georgian security services thwarted an attempt by rioters to storm parliament on Wednesday in response to their country’s impending foreign agents law that’s modeled off of the US’ one but has been spun by Western media as being “Russian-inspired”. This J6 redux was met with a shrug by the US and the EU in a tacit sign of support for the protesters’ increasingly violent demonstrations. Here are some background briefings on this rolling Color Revolution to bring everyone up to speed about it:

* 8 March 2023: “Georgia Is Targeted For Regime Change Over Its Refusal To Open A ‘Second Front’ Against Russia

* 9 March 2023: “Georgia’s Withdrawal Of Its US-Inspired Foreign Agents Bill Won’t End Western Pressure

* 11 March 2023: “Russia Called The US Out For Double Standards Towards Georgia-Moldova & Bosnia-Serbia

* 3 July 2023: “Georgia’s Ruling Party Chairman Discredited The ‘False Flag Coup’ Conspiracy Theory

* 4 October 2023: “Armenia’s Impending Defection From The CSTO Places Georgia Back In The US’ Crosshairs

Basically, the West’s attempted regime change against the Georgian government is driven by the former’s hatred of the latter’s balanced approach towards the NATO-Russian proxy war in Ukraine. Tbilisi’s refusal to impose sanctions against Moscow, which would crush its own economy, is twisted as alleged proof of its leadership taking orders from the Kremlin. Ditto their American-inspired foreign agents law that’s simply meant to inform the populace of who’s funding which information products.

The larger geopolitical agenda at play is to replace the Georgian government with Western puppets in order to facilitate NATO’s military logistics to neighboring landlocked Armenia, which the bloc envisages turning into their new regional bastion for dividing-and-ruling the South Caucasus. The failure thus far to overthrow the ruling Georgian party caused the Armenian leader to get cold feet and finally begin delimiting his country’s border with Azerbaijan, which will foil NATO’s plans if successfully completed.

Therein lies the reason why the West revived its Color Revolution against Georgia at this precise moment, not only because its foreign agents bill is planned to enter into law by sometime this month, but also to signal to Armenia that it should freeze its border talks since NATO aid might be incoming. This timely legal pretext is therefore being exploited for geopolitical ends, though it remains unclear whether it’ll topple the Georgian government and/or influence the ongoing Armenian-Azerbaijan negotiations.

The latest riots in Tbilisi were importantly preceded by Congress tabling the “Azerbaijan Sanctions Review Act”, which was yet another signal to Armenia to hold out until help from NATO arrives. Simply put, what’s presently taking place is the geostrategic reorientation of the region away from Western hegemony, which is being accelerated by Armenia beginning its long-delayed border talks with Azerbaijan. If NATO can’t “poach” Armenia from the CSTO, then its whole regional policy will collapse.

The blatant double standards on display as regards false claims of Azerbaijan “ethnically cleansing” Armenians from its previously occupied western regions and shrugging in the face of Georgia’s latest J6 redux are evidence of the West’s ulterior geopolitical motives in the region. The goal is to “poach” Armenia from the CSTO in parallel with overthrowing the Georgian government, though the latest developments suggest that this will be much more difficult to achieve than the West expected.


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