Author: Administrator

Throughout the decades of the Cold War, whilst the blocs were competing, two major attractions worked powerfully to the advantage of the West. Firstly, the comfort and prosperity that it was able to provide to its citizens, which its Eastern rivals could hardly match. The second feature that in the eyes of the world gave the West a huge competitive edge was the comparatively better performance of its institutions in securing individual liberties. The twin advantages of prosperity and the impression that the West valued freedom neutralised successfully most of the theoretical critique of the capitalist social and economic model.…

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… and wiping their boots off a Serbian flag. And read on… FINANCIAL TIMES (June 22, 2024) Serbia turns blind eye to its ammunition ending up in Ukraine  Moscow-friendly Belgrade exported about €800mn of shells to western allies since 2022 Serbia has been discreetly stepping up sales of ammunition to the west that ends up bolstering the defence of Ukraine — even though it is one of only two European countries not to join western sanctions against Russia. Estimates shared with the Financial Times put Serbia’s ammunition exports that have come to Ukraine via third parties at about…

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Telegram owner Pavel Durov’s detention in Paris over a month ago provoked а flurry of attention and animated comments. But soon thereafter the case strangely vanished from the radar screen. The high profile affair, which initially stirred enormous public interest on account of its privacy and freedom of expression ramifications, suddenly went cold after the French authorities published a lengthy list of grave criminal charges against Durov and released him provisionally on a 5-million- euro bail. In Paris, where Durov presumably was staying whilst waiting for the resolution of his case, not even the paparazzi exhibited much interest in catching…

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We apologise to our readers that in order to be able to publish this article we have had to divide it in two parts. This is because of the cyber attacks that our website has been experiencing. We are resolving the problem on the technical level. While an inconvenience provoked by hostile activity is never welcome, we are nevertheless delighted that our website is so effective in delivering its message that someone out there considers it worth their while to try to “cancel” us. But they will fail, of course What is keeping the Serbian government from reflecting the clearly…

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We apologise to our readers that in order to be able to publish this article we have had to divide it in two parts. This is because of the cyber attacks that our website has been experiencing. We are resolving the problem on the technical level. While an inconvenience provoked by hostile activity is never welcome, we are nevertheless delighted that our website is so effective in delivering its message that someone out there considers it worth their while to try to “cancel” us. But they will fail, of course Serbia’s leadership are lucky that international law does not prescribe…

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Paul Craig Roberts’ analyses sound increasingly realistic and less fanciful with the passage of time as unfolding events confirm them As I said would happen, Putin’s refusal to quickly win the conflict with Ukraine has widened the conflict into the beginnings of WW III. Putin himself now acknowledges this fact. In response to a journalist’s question about the consequences of what appears to be a US-UK decision to permit missile strikes from Ukraine deep into Russia, Putin said: “The Ukrainian army is not capable of using cutting-edge high-precision long-range systems supplied by the West. They cannot do that. These weapons…

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After being released on bail from a French prison, Russian entrepreneur Pavel Durov made several statements which indicate that he is labouring under grave illusions about the nature of his predicament. He described the action of the French authorities, which resulted in his arrest and detention on French territory, as “surprising and misguided.” He then went on to question the legal premise of his detention and subsequent indictment, which is that he could be held “personally responsible for other people’s illegal use of Telegram.” It is disappointing to see a thirty-nine years old sophisticated cosmopolitan adult, traumatised as he must…

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It seems that over two hundred years after the Revolution, in France the Liberté part of its celebrated slogan has not really stuck. On Saturday 24 August, Russian social media platform entrepreneur Pavel Durov was arrested by the French police at Le Bourget airport near Paris on trumped-up charges. The French authorities went about it in a sneaky third-world manner that does them no honour. They waited for Durov’s plane to enter French air space before issuing the arrest warrant. In it Durov was charged with a slew of “ham sandwich” offences, including such absurdities as “promotion of terrorism, paedophilia,…

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Kiev hates that a significant share of the population refuses to conform with the “negative nationalism” that they’ve aggressively enforced upon them since 2014 by continuing to worship at the Ukrainian Orthodox Churches’ sites instead of in the government-backed Orthodox Church of Ukraine. Kiev hates that a significant share of the population refuses to conform with the “negative nationalism” that they’ve aggressively enforced upon them since 2014 by continuing to worship at the Ukrainian Orthodox Churches’ sites instead of the government-backed Orthodox Church of Ukraine’s. The Rada passed a law earlier this week for banning the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) by the…

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The problem is systemic and due to Serbia’s “national model of democracy” that’s taken root under Aleksandar Vucic during his decade in power as Prime Minister and now President. The problem is systemic and due to Serbia’s “national model of democracy” that’s taken root under Aleksandar Vucic during his decade in power as Prime Minister and now President. The so-called “Bulldozer Revolution” that toppled the erstwhile Yugoslavia’s Slobodan Milosevic in 2000 is considered to be the first Color Revolution even though the concept of weaponized protests predates that drama. It’s for that reason why observers, especially those who support the emerging Multipolar World…

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