After being released on bail from a French prison, Russian entrepreneur Pavel Durov made several statements which indicate that he is labouring under grave illusions about the nature of his predicament. He described…
It seems that over two hundred years after the Revolution, in France the Liberté part…
The tragic condition of Serbia is explained in part by its disastrous leadership. A once great, brave, and talented nation by careful preselection and empowerment…
After being released on bail from a French prison, Russian entrepreneur Pavel Durov made several statements which indicate that he is labouring under grave illusions…
While the long historical introduction at the beginning of the interview with Tucker Carlson was impressive in its breadth, the Presidential statement below covers the…
A must-read for anyone seeking to understand how Serbia and Serbs were falsely accused by the West of genocide. Reiss Institute is proud to make…
Current affairs
After being released on bail from a French prison, Russian entrepreneur Pavel Durov made several statements which indicate that he is labouring under grave illusions…