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Zelensky’s attendance has more of a practical meaning than just reinforcing historically revisionist narratives about World War II since his discussions with the American, British, French, and German leaders will decide the coming escalations and the new peace process that might follow them by the end of summer. A lot of media attention has been focused on the 80th D-Day anniversary considering its emotive significance and the participation of several international leaders at the event. Zelensky’s attendance alongside Biden and several of his Western European counterparts appears out of place since Ukraine had nothing to do with this operation. The only…

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The importance of F. William Engdahl’s analysis of the origins of the lunacy that reigns all around us and the personalities that drive it cannot be overstated. Tucker Carlson’s conversation with Shawn Ryan covering essentially the same topic should be viewed in conjunction with Engdahl’s text: Important to understand is that there is not one single new or original idea in Klaus Schwab’s so-called Great Reset agenda for the world. Nor is his Fourth Industrial Revolution agenda his or his claim to having invented the notion of Stakeholder Capitalism a product of Schwab. Klaus Schwab is little more than a slick…

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The May 23 vote in the UN General Assembly on the “Srebrenica genocide” resolution was not even a PR victory for the collective West countries that spearheaded it. With 84 “yes” votes out of possible 194, this resolution failed to obtain even the plurality of UN member states’ votes. Abstaining states, 68 in total, were the second largest voting bloc. This dismal result was obtained after two postponements of the scheduled vote by the sponsoring countries. The postponements were arranged to gain the sponsors additional time to arm-twist and blackmail reluctant governments. But as a result of the vote that…

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Upon assuming his duties, the new Russian Defence Minister Andrey Belousov made a number of noteworthy statements that rightfully reverberated throughout the world. But tucked in amongst his other observations of mainly geopolitical character there was one pregnant remark of an entirely different nature that nobody seems to have caught on to. Arguably however it surpasses all of the rest in significance: “Russia,” Belousov stated, “should follow the path of modernized conservatism… Russia can preserve traditional Western values. The West has abandoned these traditional values and moved on to something else – to an anti-traditional mindset within the framework of…

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In a speech earlier this month in Italy, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò said, ‘Pretending that we are dealing with vile merchants interested only in money and refusing to see the Satanic matrix of the globalist plan is an unforgivable mistake that none of us can make.’ One of the most immediate effects of the infernal and manipulative psychopandemic operation is the refusal of the masses to acknowledge that they have been the object of a colossal fraud. Under the pretext of preventing the spread of a virus, presented as deadly and incurable – and which we now know has never…

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The “lone gunman,” that cartoonish character that for the last several decades – at least since November 1963 – has regularly framed most high-profile assassinations, has struck again, this time in disobedient Slovakia. He always pops up whenever his presence is required to warn misfits and discipline even team players who are inattentive to their tasks. The assassination attempt on the Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico fits   that pattern. Fico’s political record going back for decades may have provoked a measure of distrust in globalist circles. However, his electoral victory and return to power in the fall of last year…

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The larger geopolitical agenda at play is to replace the Georgian government with Western puppets in order to facilitate NATO’s military logistics to neighboring landlocked Armenia, which the bloc envisages turning into their new regional bastion for dividing-and-ruling the South Caucasus The Georgian security services thwarted an attempt by rioters to storm parliament on Wednesday in response to their country’s impending foreign agents law that’s modeled off of the US’ one but has been spun by Western media as being “Russian-inspired”. This J6 redux was met with a shrug by the US and the EU in a tacit sign of support for…

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Father Josiah Trenham is the pastor of an Orthodox parish in Riverside, California. His Patristic Nectar website is a treasure trove of Orthodox instruction for seekers of the truth. This conversation with Fr. Josiah is particularly topical because it combines insights into contemporary religious trends in the United States with comments on the current conflict in the Ukraine. Highly recommended to followers of the Archibald Reiss Institute.

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At this rate, there’s no longer any credible chance that France will revive its independent foreign policy traditions after the five major foreign policy mistakes that Macron made over just the last two years. He’s dealt such damage to his country’s reputation that it’s impossible to repair as long as he remains in power. France’s interception of Iranian missiles over Jordan earlier this month is Macron’s latest mistake that further discredits his country on the foreign policy front. Back in 2018, the French leader claimed credit for preventing Lebanon’s slide into civil war the year prior after its diplomatic intervention helped resolve the crisis…

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Yuval Hariri, Klaus Schwab’s spokesman, recently made a statement that should send chills up everyone’s spine. “If bad comes to worse and the Flood comes,” Harari said, he and the likeminded cabal of shadowy world masters will “build an Ark and leave the rest to drown.” Elsewhere, Harari elaborates on the reasons for his fellow elitists’ cold-hearted indifference to the fate of the vast majority of Earth’s inhabitants: “If you go back to the middle of the 20th century … and you think about building the future, then your building materials are those millions of people who are working…

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