Author: Administrator

At the recent (18 to 29 March) 29th session of the International Seabed Authority Council in Kingstone, Jamaica, some harsh words were exchanged by major superpower delegations, presaging a new area of confrontation that is bound to further burden international relations. The trigger was  State Department’s curt announcement several months ago indicating that the United States intends to extend the outer limits of its continental shelf. The subject matter of this announcement was too arcane for even politically astute members of the public to properly understand. The international agreement which governs the demarcation of sovereign state jurisdiction beyond the paltry…

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More thoughts on the recent slaughter in Moscow and its background from our special analyst. The second and third order effects of their work could influence America’s deep state and electoral dynamics once their final report is published and inadvertently amplified by the Mainstream Media in a desperate attempt to discredit it. The Russian Investigative Committee’s probe into Ukrainian and Western involvement in terrorist attacks on their country’s soil is more important than ever after the Washington Post (WaPo) cited unnamed American officials to report that the US informed the FSB in early March that Crocus would be attacked. This claim contradicts what other…

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This accounts for why the US only passed along vague information to Russia since it assumed that the GUR wouldn’t go through with the Crocus plot after ordering them to call it off, but Washington still wanted to discredit its rival’s government and security services, ergo its embassy’s provocative warning at the time. The theory propounded by our columnist Andrew Korybko seems eminently plausible This accounts for why the US only passed along vague information to Russia since it assumed that the GUR wouldn’t go through with the Crocus plot after ordering them to call it off, but Washington still…

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n March 25, Russia initiated a UN Security Council (UNSC) session concerning the 25th anniversary of the illegal NATO bombing of Serbia (then officially known as the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia). The attack was essentially the final act of the political West’s direct involvement, following nearly a decade of aggression by NATO whose endgame was to dismantle Yugoslavia, primarily by reducing Serbian ethnic space as much as possible. Namely, since 1991, the political West sought to eradicate the Serbian population in western parts of former Yugoslavia, starting with present-day Croatia and Bosnia & Herzegovina. The former is effectively an outgrowth of the…

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The GUR learned everything about terrorism from the CIA, but since it’s still a knockoff, it made a series of sloppy mistakes that resulted in incriminating Ukraine instead of lending false credence to the ISIS-K narrative Speculation has swirled since Friday night’s terrorist attack at the Crocus City Hall venue in Moscow over whether ISIS-K was really responsible like the group claimed or if Ukraine’s military-intelligence service GUR orchestrated everything under the cover of its agents posing as members of that group. The Mainstream Media is running with the first scenario while doing their utmost to discredit the second, but recalling the GUR’s…

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Romania and Moldova, where France already has troops and just signed a security pact that might soon lead to the same, could easily serve as its launchpad Odessa Russian foreign spy chief Naryshkin warned on Tuesday that France is preparing to send 2,000 troops to Ukraine following Macron’s claim last month that a conventional NATO intervention can’t be ruled out. This statement also coincided with France’s top general confirming that his forces are ready to deploy wherever they might be needed, which discredited the Defense Ministry’s description of Naryshkin’s warning as “disinformation” since there’s some objectively existing truth to what he said. While many members of…

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Jeffrey Sachs’ Road to Damascus has been a very strange one. From an ardent apparatchik of the New World Order and one of the chief architects of the economic destruction and looting of Russia in the 1990s he seems to have turned into a persuasive and honest critic of the system that he had faithfully served. The genuineness of his conversion remains to be fully corroborated. But credit and praise must be given to him every time he tells it like it is, as he does in the important analytical text that follows. The US government (USG) funded and supported…

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As if they did not have enough on their plate already, Serbs are now worked up over a child abduction scandal with official fingerprints all over it. Besides the mother, the victims are three brothers, aged 10, 6, and 3. To make the case even more poignant, the children go by the angelic names of Michael, Raphael, and Gabriel, given them by their single mother Ana Mihaljica who, in addition to her regular job, is also an Orthodox theology student. The authorities were acting on the spurious pretexts that the mother was too poor to properly provide for the needs…

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Western leaders are experiencing two stunning events: defeat in Ukraine, genocide in Palestine. The first is humiliating, the other shameful. Yet, they feel no humiliation or shame. Their actions show vividly that those sentiments are alien to them – unable to penetrate the entrenched barriers of dogma, arrogance and deep-seated insecurities. The last are personal as well as political. Therein lies a puzzle.  For, as a consequence, the West has set itself on a path of collective suicide. Moral suicide in Gaza; diplomatic suicide – the foundations laid in Europe, the Middle East and across Eurasia; economic suicide – the…

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As usual Paul Craig Roberts raises extremely pertinent issues. As readers know, I am concerned that Putin’s tolerance of a too-long-continuing-Ukraine-conflict is encouraging the conflict to spin-out-of-control.  I have written about this risk neglected by the Kremlin many times.  On February 27 I was interviewed by Finian Cunningham about this risk.  If the interview is posted online, I will link to it hopefully before it is taken down by the narrative controllers. There is no doubt that I have been proven correct that the provocations, accepted by the Kremlin with only words in opposition, have increased in severity over the past two years.  …

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