Author: Administrator

A cogent appeal by Prof. Višeslav Simić to the President of Russia which deserves careful reading and consideration. End Serbia’s White Nights and Save Her from the Black Widow’s Net, Pleasе! Dear President of Russia, and of all the world’s people who yearn for the end of the Collective West’s tyranny and destruction — A quarter of a century (almost) is a long time to get a chance to fix a state – even one so discomposed as Russia was when you came to her helm. That is also an entire youth in a man’s life, and the best…

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There is a much less centralized network of factors which tips the scales of media coverage to the advantage of the U.S. empire and the forces which benefit from it. If you watch western news media with a critical eye you eventually notice how their reporting consistently aligns with the interests of the U.S.-centralized empire, in almost the same way you’d expect them to if they were government-run propaganda outlets. The New York Times has reliably supported every war the U.S. has waged. Western mass media focus overwhelmingly on foreign protests against governments the United States dislikes while paying far less attention to widespread…

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Andrew Korybko is a young American expatriate scholar and geopolitical commentator based in Moscow. We are happy to introduce him to our regular readers. The Color Revolutionaries want to replace Vucic with a hardcore liberal-globalist who’ll unquestionably do the West’s bidding in all respects while the patriots hope that he’ll radically recalibrate his policies in a conservative-nationalist direction. Russian Ambassador to Serbia Alexander Botsan-Kharchenko assessed late last month that the ongoing anti-government protests against President Aleksandar Vucic are “attempts at a Maidan coup”, which Bosnian Serb leader Milorad Dodik just seconded earlier this week. The mass shootings that took place in early…

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The pen is mightier than the sword, so goes a saying that has proved to be true throughout the ages. In a Western style market economy, everything has a price, everything is for sale, including the most precious commodity of all – information, news, history. This is the mechanism of censorship and self-censorship in the West. Money doesn’t talk, it either swears or buys silence. This censorship is more effective and insidious than Soviet style censorship, which was obvious and discounted, because along with the censorship in the West is a nonstop PR campaign by the media that insist there…

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The tragic condition of Serbia  is explained in part  by its disastrous leadership. A once great, brave, and talented nation by careful preselection and empowerment of the most substandard human material has been reduced to a humiliating caricature of its former self. Watch, and weep…

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This remarkable interview aired on Fox helps answer the question why Tucker Carlson had to be fired. Everyone watching Prof. Desmet’s explanation of the mass lunacy that not long ago had gripped the entire world and which still exerts a strong influence on the psyches of those who survived it will find in his words observations fully congruent with their personal experience.

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Hopefully not red, which is the color of blood. But the possibility that it might be cannot be entirely discarded. Several key issues need to be discussed. First, whether what is in progress in Serbia is a color revolution , or merely a warning to the regime to follow orders more punctiliously. Second, if a color revolution has been launched with the goal of regime change, what could be the reasons for it? Third, what does the collective West hope to gain by dismissing a regime that for the most part has served its interests and obeyed its will faithfully?…

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The latest and perhaps definitive attack to wipe out Kosovo Serbs began on Friday, May 26, as the traitorous Belgrade regime was putting the final touches on what turned out to be a disastrously failed and ineptly executed pro-government rally. Coincidence? Not at all. It was all planned to happen that way. About 200 Albanian busses from Kosovo brought 10,000 mostly male Serbs to Belgrade to soak in the torrential rain as they cheered the man who cynically betrayed them and turned their land, families, and homes over to the tender mercies of their enemies. They were pressured, intimidated, and…

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Exactly as we said it would be, the traitorous regime’s infamous rally in Belgrade on Friday, May 26, was a total disaster. Not being meteorologists, there is just one detail that we missed. A torrential rain, accompanied by thunder, literally inundated the gathering of fools who were bussed in from all over Serbia to be rewarded with a sandwich and a 2,000-dinar bribe (€20) for serving as stage extras in the regime’s imbecilic extravaganza. While these forlorn invertebrates were in Belgrade on Parliament square, soaking in the rain, Albanian thugs attacked and ransacked the four Serbian majority municipalities in the…

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After the traumatic serial murders which shook Serbia at the beginning of May, three mass demonstrations against violence have taken place so far, with the fourth scheduled for Saturday, May 27. Though these expressions of popular discontent and revulsion were restrained and completely peaceful, the regime correctly gauged their deeper significance. With close to 200,000 people marching in Belgrade the message was clear that the population is intensely unhappy. The slightest spark could cause the peaceful mood to change, with unforeseeable consequences. Incapable of introducing systemic changes that would be required to deal effectively with the unstable situation in Serbia…

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