The infamous Carl Rove (we shall not bother with an explanatory note, whoever remembers this cowboy and is still interested may look him up) twenty and some years ago articulated the gist of the empire’s swaggering ideology: “We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality — judiciously, as you will — we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we…
Author: Administrator
“If all that Americans want is security, they can go to prison. They’ll have enough to eat, a bed and a roof over their heads. But if an American wants to preserve his dignity and his equality as a human being, he must not bow his neck to any dictatorial government.”— President Dwight D. Eisenhower The government wants us to bow down to its dictates. It wants us to buy into the fantasy that we are living the dream, when in fact, we are trapped in an endless nightmare of servitude and oppression. Indeed, with every passing day, life in the…
The collective West’s unsuccessful war against Russia using Ukraine as the stage and Ukrainians as cannon fodder has induced the Transatlantic alliance to desperately seek some semblance of victory, anywhere, in order to disguise the scope and lessen the political repercussions of its failure in the Ukraine. The solution it has come up with to repair its tarnished hegemonic image is the aggressive campaign to wrap up “unfinished business” in the Balkans. Coming from such quarters, any “attention” to Balkan nations is invariably bad news for the country so favoured. That is the case in this instance as well. The…
Language is one of many fronts in the war that is being waged against Truth, Goodness, and ultimately Reality by the minions of the Evil One. Manoeuvres on that peculiar front pass largely unperceived. Ukraine is a small but symbolically significant sector of that front. Until matters are conclusively settled there, as they must be, light should continue to be shed on the abuses that abound. An example that deserves particular notice is the deliberate falsification of Ukrainian place names to conform to the requirements of the separatist narrative. It is a phenomenon that has become so entrenched that even…
Few will remember French novelist Alphonse Daudet’s poignant short story, “The Last Class.” It is about the consequences of the seizure by Germany of the French province of Alsace in 1871, at the conclusion of the Franco-Prussian war. Monsieur Hamel, the French language teacher at the local school, rises “pale from his chair… My friends, he said, my little friends… But he could say no more; he was not able to speak the words.” Monsieur Hamel’s sad duty was to inform his pupils that this would be the last class in French that was allowed to be taught. Starting the…
Paul Craig Roberts is the John Revere of our days. He is relentlessly warning the American nation about the existential perils that they and their country are facing. Roberts is rightly disconcerted by what he calls the “insouciance” of the average American who has, apparently, forgotten or has chosen to disregard the admonition of another American patriot of bygone days that “eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.” Vigilance, be it noted, is the exact opposite of insouciance. Roberts’ analysis that follows is also applicable to the Serbs. It seems that when it comes to insouciance, it is they who…
In the happy times when good manners mattered, in the Anglosphere this used to be an admonition to ill-bred children prone to use obscenities. Nowadays, in the West at least, it has acquired a starkly different and unrecognisable connotation. It is no longer a discrete instruction to minors to eschew vulgarities but a crude threat to adults to conform in their speech to arbitrary, non-traditional terminology, or face penal consequences. The war on language is an assault on thought and ultimately it targets the integrity of the human mind. That point we have already made on this platform, illustrating it…
The original intention was for the title of this text to read “for Ukraine,” but I quickly realised that I must correct myself. Ukraine as such is irrelevant here and nobody in the West would bother to collect and ship winter assistance if the beneficiary were merely Ukraine or its wretched inhabitants. The winter assistance machinery that is being activated presumably for reasons of compassion has nothing to do with helping people in need. It is motivated by the same rationale and guided by exactly the same strategic imperatives as eighty years ago, when Operation Barbarossa got stuck in the…
What fool was it who said that the collective West, the fabled City on the Hill whose “values” are universal and binding on all, is amoral? A greater untruth was never uttered. Of course the West espouses and acts according to specific moral principles. But these principles need to be identified and their effects unequivocally recognized. The moral doctrine which governs the conduct of the collective West will be sought in vain in the Bible or the Quran, in the ethical or political writings of Aristotle, or in the precepts of Confucius and the other sages of the East. That…
Even The New York Times was unable to spin the recent gruesome murder of Russian prisoners at the hands of Kiev Nazi regime forces. Unconditional honesty, of course, is not reasonably to be expected from the Establishment’s “paper of record,” in this or any other comparably tricky situation. Not that, with the abundant video and other evidence saturating the internet, there is the slightest doubt that (1) a gruesome crime in violation of the laws and customs of war was committed against unarmed and hors de combat Russian prisoners, and (2) that the perpetrators were members of armed formations subordinate…