Author: Administrator

Prof. Chossudovsky’s incisive analysis sheds much needed light on the increasingly topical issue of weather manipulation. As temperatures in many European countries soar to unnatural heights, the nature of the “global warming” narrative must be carefully reassessed. US mathematician John von Neumann, in liaison with the US Department of Defense, started his research on weather modification in the late 1940s at the height of the Cold War and foresaw ‘forms of climatic warfare as yet unimagined’. During the Vietnam war, cloud-seeding techniques were used, starting in 1967 under Project Popeye, the objective of which was to prolong the monsoon season and block…

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The extreme importance of this interview which the outspoken Roman Catholic Archbishop Vigano recently gave to Steve Bannon cannot be overestimated. It lays out in clear terms the entire scheme to bring down the Western world, and pull into the abyss with it as much of the rest of humanity as possible. Steve Bannon (SB): Your Excellency, after the psycho-pandemic, we now have the Russian-Ukrainian crisis. Are we in “phase two” of one single project, or can we now consider the Covid farce to be over and concern ourselves with the increase in energy prices? His Excellency Carlo Maria Viganò (CMV): If in…

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July 17th every year is a day of sad reflection for patriotic Serbs and Russians. That is the date, in 1946 and 1918 respectively, when General Mihailovic and Emperor Nicholas II were murdered. General Dragoljub Mihailovic is the greatest and most slandered Serb of our time. Fanatically maligned by his malicious executioners, there is nothing about him that is in the least disputable. Everything is impeccable and beyond reproach. General Mihailovic is the target of pathological hatred of the contemptible Counter-Serbia because he is the antithesis of all its vices and personification of highest virtue and purest patriotism. The calmness…

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Saving Ukraine from Russia has become more important to Western leaders than saving the planet from climate change, more important than keeping their populations from freezing in the dark, more important than the viability of Western industries, and more important even than avoiding the risk of an all-out nuclear war between the West and Russia. An early indication of the West’s loss of all perspective where Russia is concerned – call it Russia Derangement Syndrome – occurred in the United States after Donald Trump was elected president. Large swathes of the public, including virtually all Democrats and the legacy media,…

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Inter arma silent leges : the law falls silent when war breaks out. The war in Ukraine illustrates with brutal clarity the truth of this old Latin maxim: the whole body of international law is powerless in the face of what is denounced as Russian aggression, while the international structures which were specifically created to prevent countries from invading other countries are unable to do so, in the first place the United Nations.  Russia being a permanent member of the Security Council, her war cannot be condemned any more than can the wars waged by other permanent members in recent years, notably…

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No friendly state would ever do to another what Bulgaria, Macedonia, and Montenegro just did to Serbia, which is disgraceful to the extreme and a violation of the most basic diplomatic norms. They and their American overlord are afraid of Lavrov traveling there because the positive example of Russian-Serbian relations draws attention to their unfair relations with the US. Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Zakharova confirmed late Sunday night that Bulgaria, Macedonia, and Montenegro all closed their airspace to her boss Lavrov’s planned flight to Serbia on Monday, where he was scheduled to visit on a two-day trip to meet with this friendly…

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To Anna Ivanovna with the Red Flag In The West   The Wayward Sisters – Jana, The Ripper, and Evergreen   All Three: The three of us – the world enchanted! Incanted all spells, licenses granted, slanted and scolded all and sundry like thunder. Of evil we’ve done a sum and a wonder, a dam erected – just us elected, became the idols of the masses, into dolts and asses turned them, rejected. Our souls we’ve sold for gold and praise, to gaze upon the world now, through which primeval evils blaze, by us created and directed, rejected by…

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Official Belgrade and Belgrade cultural and ecclesiastical “elites” are not only “unfriendly”[1] but are your enemies! It is now over 100 years since the Belgrade false crème de la crème, after hijacking the public sphere, embraced ethical fading and moral disengagement so feverishly that its infection has slowly seeped into the psyche of every member of our people dependent on this ruling caste. It also has saturated the state, and the Church, both concentrated in that capital of abomination of desolation, poisoning our communal structures, rendering every national agency toxic and debilitating for our survival. So far it has only been…

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Way back, American Ambassador to Ukraine John Tefft rather frankly expressed the following reaction to the Ukrainian anthem in a report to his chief – the US Secretary of State: “It was especially impossible to listen to their anthem.  It’s like some kind of torture!  They are like a chorus: ‘Ukraine has not died yet’ …  It looks like you are being buried alive.  Some kind of oppressive, heart-breaking melancholy attacks, that sometimes it seems that flies are dying in the area from this howling.  Listening to this howl is so unbearable that at times it seemed that it would be easier…

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The Bucha false flag scenario is inexorably falling apart just days after it was noisily launched. Not tarrying far behind the “international community” political clowns, whose boiler plate “assessments” of what supposedly happened hit the airwaves within an hour of the alleged occurrence, the International Criminal Court (ICC) at the Hague also made it known that it was interested in the case. And that is where the above referenced Karim Khan comes into the picture. For those not versed in the matter, ICC is the creature of the Rome Statute, designed to raise the odious practices of its precursors, ICTY…

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