Author: Administrator

As the opening of the Olympic games in Beijing approached, some of the propaganda projects begun months and even years earlier come into sharper focus. We are alluding in particular to the Uyghur genocide farce and the bogus London proceedings under the auspices of former ICTY prosecutor Geoffrey Nice, staged to give the farce an aura of quasi-judicial sobriety. It is, of course, not difficult to offer a fundamentally correct analysis whenever you are dealing with unimaginative people who are either incapable of originality or are simply too insecure to abandon the safe precincts of their classical and overused playbook.…

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The global energy shortages which have driven prices for coal, oil and natural gas to explosive highs in the last months are a predictable consequence of the mad pursuit of “Zero Carbon” economic policies that have seen foolish governments subsidize a growing share of electricity from unreliable solar and wind generation. One consequence has been a five-fold rise in the price of natural gas or methane across the globe. That extends from China to the EU, USA and beyond. A follow-on consequence of that natural gas shortage and price explosion is a growing crisis in world agriculture fertilizer production. This…

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No pun intended, really. On one level, Serbian tennis player Novak Djoković certainly was prevented unwillingly from playing ball in the Australian Open. But on another, deeper and archetypal level, it was he as a sovereign individual who refused to “play ball” with the movers and shakers of this world. The savage treatment he got was punishment for the choice he deliberately made. Moving beyond Australian visa technicalities that were thoroughly ventilated in court and ultimately adjudicated to Djoković’s detriment, the core moral issue has got to do not with bureaucratic paperwork but a matter of vastly greater significance. It…

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It’s fair to presume that multiple interest groups were behind the latest events and their portrayal: grassroots forces, prominent personalities, Western NGOs, the Serbian government itself, and perhaps competing ‘green’ oligarchic forces. The takeaway is that Serbia is still a laboratory for experimenting with socio-political trends. Serbian President Vucic condemned Western NGOs for what he claimed were their role in organizing protests against Rio Tinto’s lithium mining deal, even going as far as “helping to topple the government”. The authorities canceled the deal last week after enormous grassroots pressure driven by the project’s expected environmental consequences. It also came shortly after Serbian tennis star…

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We recommend to our readers this remarkable and wide-ranging treatise by Mr. Ken Leslie. It is an in-depth analysis of several interrelated issue and a powerful plea for the spiritual and cultural unity of Slavic nations. The author focuses in particular on the malignant role of the Roman Catholic Church in misleading and splintering Slavdom and turning Slavic peoples against each other instead of uniting against their common enemies. The prologue While writing this piece I promised myself that I would not offer it to our gracious host until my previous article achieved 20000 reads. Having reached that high…

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There is no better way to describe the main event in Serbia in December 2021 except by paraphrasing the famous words of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. For the Serbian nation, this month was a moral Pearl Harbour. To appreciate the magnitude of what occurred, try to imagine the Armenian parliament voting down a resolution to condemn the Ottoman genocide or Israeli Knesset refusing to acknowledge the Holocaust and rejecting a bill to set up a memorial centre for Jews exterminated by Nazis during World War II. Such things simply could not happen in either of those self-respecting countries. Not a single…

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In a noteworthy recent analysis, Russian-American publicist Dmitry Orlov advances an argument that may sound fatuous, but actually has more substance than meets the eye. In essence, what Orlov claims is that the often heard criticism hurled at Russians that they have not mastered the technique of soft power is misconceived. And that the widely advertised cutting edge military wonder-weapons are not the most powerful assets in Russia’s arsenal. Orlov advances the startling hypothesis that Russia’s mightiest weapon is not even secret but is out in the open for all to see. And, he would probably add, admire. That weapon,…

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Gleichschaltung is a German word with a rich history. It stands for the coerced harmonisation of all forms of public expression with the official line. That concept is currently undergoing a renaissance, but not in the “captive nations” of the East. Every morning after arriving in his office at the Propaganda Ministry, Dr. Goebbels would devote himself to the important task of disseminating a directive to all German media outlets, outlining what position on principal issues they were expected to take on that particular day. The media were instructed not only on what to say but – of equal importance…

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In this brilliant exposition before an investigative committee of the Polish Parliament, Dr. Reiner Fullmich dissects the fraudulent basis and the real agenda behind the “health measures” which are devastating the world, destroying people’s lives and wellbeing, and threatening to collapse the global economy.

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Letter from Monsignor Carlo Maria Viganò to Archbishop Josè Horacio Gomez, president of the Bishops’ Conference of the United States of America, to Cardinal Ladaria and to Cardinal Müller. To His Excellency Msgr.José Horacio Gómez Metropolitan Archbishop of Los Angeles, President of the Bishops’ Conference of the United States of America To their Eminences and Excellencies The Archbishops and Bishops of the Dioceses of the United States of America and, for their competence: To His Eminence Cardinal Luis Francisco Ladaria Ferrer, sj Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith To His Eminence Cardinal Gerhard Ludvig Müller Prefect…

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