Author: Administrator

The results of the recently launched census in the Republic of (“North”) Macedonia will more than likely institutionalize the country’s internal partition between Macedonians and Albanians as the latter group’s leaders seek to formalize the status of their so-called “state within a state” through some variation of “federalization” on the basis of potentially fraudulent data. The Republic of (“North”) Macedonia hasn’t been in the international news much after a liberal-globalist Color Revolution succeeded in toppling its conservative-nationalist government several years ago under threat of launching a violent Hybrid War to that end had this outcome not peacefully materialized. The subsequent years saw the country surrendering…

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The predominantly hostile reception in major Western countries given to the Serbian film “Dara from Jasenovac” (which may be viewed here in the original version, at least until it is removed from the internet for “violating community standards,” as the version with English-language subtitles was recently) should be a wake-up call to Serbs. The film was not produced for the purpose of winning an Oscar but in order to belatedly (the tardiness was a mere 80 years) tell the story of the holocaust in the Nazi-allied Independent State of Croatia. After the Oscar candidacy was announced but before any of…

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Joseph Biden’s insolent “congratulatory message” on the ocassion of Serbia’s National holiday in February 2021 hugely embittered Serbian public opinion. But it should not have surprised anyone. Views expressed in the message, advocating recognition by Serbia of the illegal, secessionist regime in Kosovo which functions under NATO occupation, are a logical synthesis of Biden’s hate-filled earlier diatribes against the Serbian people. This compilation of his previous statements reflects that clearly.

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The predicament of the Serbian nation is dire, but there is a solution Without doubt, sooner or later the Serbian Question must be put on the table for public scrutiny; in fact, there is no more opportune moment for that than now. Under the current in the series of foreign-backed colonial administrations in Belgrade, which seems to have pledged itself to utterly ruin and dismember the little that remains relatively intact in the wake of its predecessors, things in several respects seem to be coming to a head. The looming relinquishment of Kosovo by the treasonous government and its obviously…

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The Covid 19 class-action lawsuit filed by the office of German-American Göttingen based lawyer, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, needs to be revisited. In the fall of last year, prior to the lockout from most internet platforms of data and analyses inconvenient to the Covid panic narrative, there was considerable discussion about and interest in Dr. Fuelmich’s ground-breaking legal action. It was to be undertaken against the World Health Organization and several other major players (including Dr. Christian Drosten, the German government’s favorite virologist from Berlin’s Charité University, associated with the hospital by the same name of Navalny fame) for involvement in…

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To be quite honest, nobody is delighted by the selection of the new head of the Serbian Orthodox Church, Metropolitan Porphyrios. Rather than experiencing quiet and serene joy that in these troubled times the Church finally has found its helmsman, the announcement was accompanied by an unmistakable sense of discomfort. As an internally rotting and dysfunctional institution, judging by its acute loss of compass and lack of restraint the Patriarchy is nearing not just the pre-Reformation but more ominously the present-day unenviable condition of its “sister” organization at the Vatican. Instead of maturely surveying the reasons for its loss of…

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Serbia is facing the menace of dangerous social engineering legislation Pauvres Serbes… That is how the French used to express their compassion for the hardships endured by their Serbian allies in World War I. It was a noble sentiment at the time of its articulation. Unfortunately, however, ever since then the trajectory followed by the Serbian people was decidedly downward. The reasons for that in many cases clearly had to do the operations of powerful and unfriendly foreign interests. But just as often, it was because the Serbian people themselves, at key junctures, either had made catastrophically bad choices or…

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The Republic of Srpska is once again in acute danger. The standard color revolution scenario tried repeatedly since 2014 has failed. It has been replaced by a far more sophisticated approach. There is a Serbian saying that when an idle priest can think of nothing better to do he entertains himself by baptising goats. Bosnia’s High Representative Valentin Inzko apparently finds himself in a similarly absurd position. Oblivious to the Great Reset issues gripping the world around him and even of the dire condition of his own Bosnian raj, Inzko was busy over the last couple of days composing a letter…

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The train of events which has taken us to the enthronement of False Dimitry (Juan Guaido, in modern parlance) is generating a “new post-January 6 normal” which is not just utterly distorting the face of the Republic of Jefferson and Lincoln, but makes it literally unrecognizable. On the most mundane level, the rhythm and quality of everyday life are being transformed in ways that only days ago would have struck most as the demented ramblings of a lunatic on psychedelic drugs. A few days ago, the general descent into madness engendered the trans-Atlantic reincarnation of Pavlik Morozov, the 1930s ideologically alert…

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Elitist mind-moulder Edward Bernays’ generous concession to the common man, “People are entitled to the choices we give them,” was played out dramatically during America’s recent electoral season. The multitude gobbled up the meagre choices, and did so voraciously. The distinction between theatre and reality was plainly lost on most of them. They became impassioned actors in a self-destructive play minutely choreographed by forces unseen, for ends suspected by some but completely understood by none. Students of the controlled demolitions of the USSR and Yugoslavia may see the ultimate game plan “through a glass, darkly” (1 Cor. 13:12), much like…

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