Author: Administrator

The Banality of Evil v. The Splendor of Goodness One  might  wonder  if  Hannah  Arendt’s  disposition appears  to  us today so gloomy and bitter because she had witnessed and understood the banality  of  evil during  the  Eichmann’s  Jerusalem  trials. Yet, it  is  more certain         that         it         was from her         not         having         witnessed (although, theoretically, she might have approached an understanding of it) the Splendor of Goodness any time in her life, even in the days of Evil’s apparent defeat and the Allies’ false victory over it. Victory and triumph are satisfactory and make one avenged, but only being in the presence…

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As reports of atrocities and human rights violations in Ukraine mount, corroborated by extensive witness testimony and much tangible evidence (and here), it becomes paramount to consider ways and means of punishing instigators, enablers, and direct perpetrators of these outrages. It is equally important to preserve the legal and historical record of thesе crimes and to administer suitable punishments in order to deter other potential war criminals in the Ukrainian theatre. Finally, the purpose of such a Tribunal would be educational, to impress upon that segment of Ukrainian society which had become swayed by extremist Nazi propaganda the enormity of…

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The U.S. has claimed that it is more equal than others, and it has acted on this claim to the detriment of millions around the world. The world is now pushing back against this In the following interview for Strategic Culture Foundation, Daniel Kovalik explains how the U.S.-led war against the former Yugoslavia in 1999 was a fateful and brutal assault against the international order. It opened the door for the rapid eastward expansion of the NATO military bloc in breach of assurances to Russian leaders. And it thus created the conditions for today’s war in Ukraine. Russia’s military intervention…

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As the Latin saying goes, De mortuis nil nisi bonum. Fair enough, and for most deceased a modest effort would probably suffice to act in the spirit of this sentiment and find something decent to say. However, in the case of the recently departed Madeleine Albright, one is genuinely hard put to find even a minimum of virtue to balance the wickedness. For all we know she may indeed be remembered as a “loving mother, grandmother, sister, aunt, and friend” in her private circle, as claimed by her family when they announced her death. But outside of that circle, one…

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Some of my best students and friends asked me what my message to President Putin would be if I had a chance to get a few words into his hands. Here is what springs to mind… Dear President Putin, I know that not even in a chronon of time you would ever read this at this trying hour. Yet, … Before anything, I apologize for writing it—a Slav to a Slav—in English, but it is yet another sign that you are needed in order to elevate Russian to the deserved prominence in which the language of contemporary world’s hijackers glories.…

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Orthodox believers will remain unfazed by this, and one may also assume that many followers of the disintegrating Roman Catholic church will be equally unimpressed, but nevertheless a recent Vatican announcement about “consecrating” Russia and Ukraine on March 25 (while some derision is allowed) should not be taken lightly. To be precise, it may and should be taken lightly only in the religious sense, but it ought to be treated with all due seriousness and respect where it counts for the Vatican, politically. Coming in close coordination with the initiation of the brutal campaign to annihilate Russia politically, morally, and economically, Bergoglio’s…

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Russia seems to informally understand Serbia’s predicament of coming under unprecedented US-led Western pressure but would still have preferred for its top Balkan partner to have abstained from that resolution against its special military operation in Ukraine instead of voted in its support. Serbian President Vucic explained his country’s surprising support of the recent anti-Russian resolution at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) by claiming that Belgrade had to take such a position in order to uphold its own one towards the breakaway NATO-occupied Province of Kosovo & Metohija. According to him, “We insist on respecting the territorial integrity of states, this is our…

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In addition to the placement of offensive weapons as close as possible to the Russian heartland, the other major purpose of the Western occupation of the Ukraine is to close the ring of biological laboratories which surround the territory of the Russian Federation. Bulgarian investigative journalist Dilyana Gaytandzhieva has dealt extensively with this issue, as reflected in the text that follows, authored by Filip Vuković. Authored by Filip Vuković, Balkan Post On 16 January 2018, a Bulgarian investigative journalist Dilyana Gaytandzhieva wrote a detailed article about the US bio-weapons research that spans across the world in 25 different countries. Gaytandzhieva wrote in her article…

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What follows is the opening statement of Dr Reiner Fuellmich, the German-American lawyer, on the first day of COVID-19 pandemic proceedings. Dr. Fuellmich’s initial remarks encapsulate superbly the findings of the international commission he organized with a number of collaborators mainly from the world of science to study the nature and background of the pandemic controversy. The findings of his commission are utterly devastating for the official narrative which is being enforced world-wide using the crudest methods of coercion and censorship that were mostly forgotten after the fall of the Soviet Union. These findings will now be officially presented at…

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The genocidal slaughter of up to a million Serbs during World War II in the “Independent State of Croatia,” a Roman Catholic Nazi satellite carved out of German-occupied Yugoslavia, has gone largely unnoticed in Western historiography. The massacre’s close association with the Roman Catholic church and Vatican’s geopolitical machinations in the Balkans may have been a huge part of the reason for that reticence. The other reason was undoubtedly the strong anti-Serbian prejudice in the West, rationalizing the harsh treatment the Serbian people received as something that may have been deserved. While Western indifference has its natural explanation, Russian equanimity…

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