Talk about “malign influence” in the Balkans! A distinguished Serbian academic, historian Dr. Miloš Ković, is fighting for his professional life with few seeming to notice. A NATO controlled cabal entrenched in the Department of History at the University of Belgrade is pulling strings to prevent his appointment to full professor, although Dr. Ković amply satisfies all requirements, and it is working assiduously to ultimately oust him altogether from the faculty. It had earlier managed to dismiss three of Dr. Ković’s academically promising like-minded colleagues. Dr. Ković’s “sins” are from the point of view of his detractors manifold and on…
Author: Administrator
Well, what else is new? Afghanistan is said to be the graveyard of empires, but turbulence in the Balkans often is also the precursor to an empire or two being buried in its wake. Not for nothing, in the fall of 1918, as the Salonica front was crumbling, Kaiser Wilhelm complained to his General Staff what a shame it was for the outcome of the Great War to be decided by 70,000 Serbs. Some decades previously, his chancellor Bismarck (who himself had more than a few drops of Serbian blood on his grandmother’s side) averred dismissively that the Balkan riff-raff…
This analysis of the Covid pandemic and its background was published on April 26, 2020, over a year ago. At that time the health crisis was in its initial stages. We will let readers judge, in light of subsequent events and new information gained since then, how prophetic this article was. It is a paraphrase, of course, of the inimitable Dame Rebecca West, advanced with unshakable confidence that she would have heartily approved if she were alive today. The Corona virus put-on job has now been exposed for the brazen social engineering scheme, potential vaccination rip-off (and here), and ideologically…
Even as European politicians and journalists continue to fulminate over the denial of freedom in Putin’s Russia or Xi’s China, they are more than happy to stamp out freedom of expression in Europe itself. The other day, Bosnia and Herzegovina made it illegal to deny “genocide.” One must correct that statement right away because Bosnia and Herzegovina didn’t actually do anything. The country did not act upon a sovereign decision arrived at by elected representatives. Rather, the outgoing High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina, Valentin Inzko, decreed amendments to the country’s criminal code and published them in the country’s official gazette. No…
Little wonder that here and there sanity nostalgia is gripping the Western world, at least those isolated portions of it that are not internalising the sinister “new normal.” But it is seemingly to no avail. All commanding positions are firmly in the hands of lunatics, who are determined to turn a once great and exemplary civilisation into an asylum. As George Orwell has taught us, language manipulation is at the frontline (yes, I have just broken one of the cardinal rules of his “Politics and the English Language,” but not his final injunction to “break any of these rules sooner…
The importance of this analysis, as well as other comments by the same author on this and related subjects, cannot be overemphasized, especially in a time such as ours when shameless inversions of reality reign supreme and are ruthlessly imposed as unquestionable truth. In our world today, who desperately needs to be “fact-checked“? The mass media, of course. And, in today’s world, who owns, funds, and controls the entire fact-checking infrastructure and conducts all the fact-checks? The mass media, of course. So, the inmates are running the asylum and the foxes are guarding the henhouse. What could possibly go wrong?…
Dr Vernon Coleman is a distinguished British physician and medical researcher, author of dozens of acclaimed books on medical subjects, and until recently a columnist on health issues in several major British newspapers. That was “until recently” because at the start of the controversial Covid-19 pandemic he took a resolutely critical stance toward every pillar of the official narrative. Consequently, Dr Coleman was “deplatformed” and subjected to every form of harassment that has been meted out routinely to those who question the official verities concerning Covid-19. The danger posed by the untested so-called “vaccines” (actually closer to gene therapy treatments)…
This production reveals much pertinent information about the interaction between Albert Einstein and his Serbian first wife Mileva Marić, which accounts for laying the foundation for the scientific opus attributed to Einstein. This film dovetails with the initiative to award Mileva Marić a posthumous Nobel Prize in physics for her colossal achievements many of which were misappropriated by her unfaithful husband, and which we have posted elsewhere.
For quite a long time it was widely suspected that Albert Einstein was not what he was cracked up to be. It has been settled for decades that he was not a particularly lovely human being (a philanderer, egotist, wife-abuser, to name just a few of the most notable characteristics), and no amount of image management was capable of suppressing uncomplimentary facts of a personal nature that have emerged about him. But there is a much more damning suspicion concerning Einstein that has been more or less neutralised in the public perception, and that is that he was not the…
Since the relationship between the United States and Russia has taken a turn for the worse in recent years, it is quite clear to the author that, nowadays, the US administration has been seeking confrontation with the Russian Federation, be it over politics, trade or even the construction of Nord Stream 2 (which is of no concern to the US) for the European Union (EU). And President Joe Biden is seemingly trying to achieve this aim by using fairly aggressive and ideologically divisive rhetoric as a tool. Based on a number of reports published by American and Western media outlets,…