Official Belgrade and Belgrade

cultural and ecclesiastical “elites”

are not only “unfriendly”[1]

but are your enemies!

It is now over 100 years since the Belgrade false crème de la crème, after hijacking the public sphere, embraced ethical fading and moral disengagement so feverishly that its infection has slowly seeped into the psyche of every member of our people dependent on this ruling caste. It also has saturated the state, and the Church, both concentrated in that capital of abomination of desolation, poisoning our communal structures, rendering every national agency toxic and debilitating for our survival.

So far it has only been lethal to the Serbs and (partially) to other Yugoslavs, but its pestilential corruption has grazed Russia and may be as detrimental to her as a similar communion was a century ago.

Moscow would be totally justified in asking Belgrade: “Friend, for what have you come?”[1]

And not only because soon, in spite of multiple treacheries, Belgrade shall come shamelessly to demand Russian gas at the cheapest price possible, but the Harlot of the Balkans will perform the infamous Seven Veils Dance in the attempt to seduce Russia once again into a “partnership” which will only ensure the perpetuation of the current NATO/EU/US-loving partocratic kleptocracy power structures in Belgrade.

In any natural language – which the Belgrade “elites” prefer to use when they must either beg or threaten – the word “Brother” is one of the most powerful. They love to use it in their relation to Russia – either when begging Moscow for some aid, to keep them secure in their privileges, or, for the same end result, when threatening the West with the “Loving Russia” act, when it pushes them too far against the true interest of the scorned and captive Serbian people they claim to lead and represent.

Yet – they forget that for such usage of the word “Brother” one is obliged to fulfill both the Necessary and the Sufficient requirements and to bring the value of such a statement to the reality of the state of affairs on the ground and to the conditions of the relationship between the alleged Brothers.

Thus, being of the so-called Slavic race and Orthodox is a Necessary Condition for being a brother to the Russian nation but it is not enough to be a brother to the ethnically and religiously diverse citizens of the Russian Federation.

It is even harder with the Sufficient Condition, which requires not only brotherly cooperation in mutual defense but even more the sacrificial (Christian, Orthodox) action by a true brother so that the other brother may prosper, or, in the case of today’s Russia, survive.

Today’s Belgrade “elites”, just like their antecedents during at least the last hundred years, fail to satisfy either of the conditions. They mostly do not feel Slavic (especially not Serbian!), and are deeply and irreparably ashamed of such associations, yearning to be Anglo-Saxon, or at least French, or even Italian, so that they may better fit into the fictional “Europe”.

The other, much smaller, group are the self-proclaimed “patriots”, “traditionalists”, and “the truly faithful”, who praise heroism on the battlefield but possess courage only when attacking roasted meat at banquets dedicated to the defense of, for example, Kosovo, and are verbally offensive only when assuring others of their masculinity by fictionally battling the so-called “Pride” parades.

It is even worse when it comes to any sacrifices, notably of (in their view) the shameful religious kind, not only for Russia but even less for their own Serbian people and their national interests! It is certain that they have sacrificed (particularly in the satanic sense) plenty of Serbs, the unwashed and vulgar masses of “anti-EU/NATO nationalists”, and that they shall sacrifice them all for their diabolical EU/NATO membership delusions – which they claim as their human and civil rights.

In this, the State and the Church of the Serbs have achieved that ancient Orthodox ideal of Symphony – tragically in infamy, disgrace, and criminal treachery against both the Serbian people and of Russia!

One may seek a simple Aristotelian explanation through the four fundamental answers to the question Why? – which is The Cause:

The Material – What is the matter of these people, what is the essence of which they are made, what is their mettle, and how quickly it gives?

One might be tempted to just declare them all men-children, sufferers of the Peter Pan syndrome, for they are to the highest level overwhelmingly nominally male – but emasculated. Their need to appear as “super machos” excludes females and any male who is suspected of not being male enough. Yet, it is quite likely that they act more like the infamous frustrated and unfulfilled envious middle-aged developmentally arrested mental teenagers, and lazy and vain dirge-divas gathered over the tomb of their dead dreams. And they shut up and scatter at the first look of disapproval by those they consider their overlords! Even when they only meekly lament, wail, and weep over their wasted lives…

The Formal – What is the form of these people, what do they look like, how are they arranged in a hierarchy, and what is their interdependence?

To the superficial (or Serbian provincial’s) eye they appear haughty, imperious, ambitious, hasty, and arrogant, due to their exalted Belgrade birth (as they love to say about the non-Belgraders, Elle n’est pas née… / Il n’est pas née… – while by “being born” they are supposedly all of both equal and unequaled rank). Yet, they are most strictly hierarchically stratified, each stomping upon the one below and reaching upward to kiss the feet of the one above. The current (and many previous ones) poor excuse for the President of Serbia is the supreme exhibit of that. They are “matrixed” to the “system”, being fed thoughts, and (often self-)issued orders on how and when to march, and how hard to praise or curse the designated recipient of their momentarily commanded attention.

Today, for example, we may see it in the most CNN-like squawking of their apologies of the “Church’s” “unanimous decision” (in reality, an order by the US embassy) to recognize the Communist-created so-called “Macedonian” “Church” and immediately to grant it autocephaly – all of that proclaimed as the “most wise” and “Holy Spirit-guided” acts of their “Holinesses” and the “Most Highly Anointed”.

The Efficient – What is the agent of these people, what moves them, what causes their action or inaction, or, even more precisely, WHO is their spiritus movens?

Serbian state “intellectual” and “expert” “institutes” (no private ones of any valor exist!) are the purposefully designed comfortable nests for a social stratum of spineless, vain, cowardly, and the petit-bourgeoisie-level avaricious self-praising, self-culling idea-less, barren, and mostly mono-lingual caste leeched upon the state budget, and they are totally irrelevant to Serbian society, and even less so to the community of the free and brave global thinkers who are on the front-line of the battle for the survival and future of humanity, as God created and intended it.

Having self-confessed, multiple times and publicly, that they think, talk, and act “up to a certain limit” since they “depend on the state budget”, their spiritus movens is obvious, especially when it is also known that western/NATO/EU/US funds feed the monster of the Serbian state that devours the true spiritus movens of the Serbian nation.

The Final – What is the end, the purpose of these people, what is it for the sake of which they are what they are?

A deeper observation might birth a conclusion that they are of the same Karl Marx-defined refuse tribe that still drags through history, multiplying itself into two identical but publicly antagonistic sects that had split and are still splitting the riches honorably acquired and accumulated by the dignified ancestors of the Serbs through the glorious centuries when honesty, bravery, and mercy ruled in the Helm Peninsula. One group is acting as “Patriots” and “Russophiles”, while the other declares itself European (EU) and Atlantist-Integrationist (NATO). Yet, both serve the same Masters, who are set on exterminating even the memory of the Serbs, regardless of the method. The only reason why they haven’t succeeded in their task is their cowardice and their subconscious realization that the end of the Serbs means their own end too – for although they are the shame and the blight of the Serbs, Serbs they are nonetheless, thus fated by the Great Reset for the same grinder of the disobedient, self-aware, and free nations.

That, actually, is the greatest purpose and the end of them – to serve the Serbs in their awakening and retaking of their own destiny into their own hands – hopefully soon assisted by the Russians! As le duc de la Rochefoucauld beautifully said, Hypocrisy is the homage vice pays to virtue – thus these people pay the greatest homage to both the Serbs and the Russians by being against them, declaring themselves superior and better, thus by their actions ensuring that we know the truth and may be guided by it.

So… Russia! Beware! And ditch these undeserving and sordid boils on the body of your true and everlasting friend and ally – the Serbian people! A period of suffering and shocks is the only manner of awakening this comatose nation from its induced catatonic immobility, which would yet again show us Serbia as it is today – a land, and a nation – grand in the fulfillment of the sublime martyrdom of her forefathers but humbled in the abjection of her children’s shameful desolation, but also, as its Golden Age poet described her in the 14th century, „made beautiful by piety, evangelical life and the dignity of right-mindedness“.

Just make sure you choose well who your true allies and Brothers will be among the future leaders of your only ever-faithful friend in Europe!


Višeslav Simić, Ph.D.


May 27, 2022


[1] Matthew 26:50 (Друг, для чего ты пришёл?)

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